Understand Banks & Financial Markets

Starting in the ’80s, banks have become huge digital financial supermarkets offering a wide range of different services and products. Employees in these banks have specialized skills and knowledge in their expertise field and don’t have financial education background. For these employees, I have created 3 hour video E-training at Udemy. With this course you will travel to Planet Finance and you do not need rocket science to get there.

Course takeaways:

  • Learn about money types and the role of Central Banks;
  • Understand the different bank types and their activities;
  • Get an overview of the 3 financial product categories to trade capital, foreign currencies and risk
  • Understand financial market products trading: how, why and by whom;
  • What happens on a dealing room;
  • You will be introduced to types of derivative products and why they are used;
  • Learn about the root of the 2008 financial crisis and how it can be prevented;
  • An entertaining video of the the Amsterdam Stock Exchange history.
  • Download a free pdf copy of my 40 page book Understand Banks and Financial Markets.

Go to training



Sessie 1: Banking Basics

Sessie 2: Introductie Financiële Markten

Sessie 3: Geldmarkt

Sessie 4 en 5: Obligaties, Swaps en Bundfutures


Dag 1 Ochtend: Banking Basics

Dag 1 Middag: Introductie Financiële Markten

Dag 2 Ochtend: Geldmarkt

Dag 2 Middag: Kapitaalmarkt

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